Saturday, November 13, 2010


 Last extra lesson! like finally..

 This is a creation i made adding all the left over chemicals =X haha!
like coke sweet. o.o
 had dinner like cousins and family, in a 40-yr-old restaurant that was said by my aunt that they've been here pretty often by my grandpa when they were young.

 this is nonsense, pictures from camera phone sucks.
enjoy and get jealous haha for the following.



 Wearing wages so i look tall =) hehe!

anw, i went tuition today and came across this again! the completed work! =) wowowowowow!

i've been reflecting recently, i guess i've really been a bad person.
ah, no matter wad, god always put me in a situation such that i MUST do wadever it is to remain a 'Holy' person.
seriously ALWAYS. 
ever since young, he challenges me in so many ways.
to prevent my nose from sticking up too high into the sky.

whenever i become "BAD" he throws in things to make sure i humble up or wad-so-ever.
which is good i guess, a blessing.
if not for that i might be a mega cruel and nasty person.
that only care about myself.
i guess i would without all those things he challenges me.
i often complain to god how miserable life is that he put me through especially emotionally.
and i really dun think i deserve it. I'm guessing he has something big later in life for me den if i accomplish the challenges.

i used to think, everytime u hear things like becoming a pastor, missionary, or worship team or something, i'll go like, eeyer, i'll never do it in my life.
but now i've yet to look at it differently , 
although NOT pastor though, i'm not tt holy and stuff yet.
but the other two seem appealing.
i just wanna spend my life worshiping god. 

i want the people around me to feel the love of you lord Jesus, and come with me and know u more.

i really dunno what my life would be in another 5 years, and i'm still unsure of my future.
i screwed up my life.
i notice the change in me alr. i know i'm becoming worse than become and i dun seem to be able to reach god. 
i wish that all distractions will be gone. everything. 

BTW, here are some things i promised myself i'll NEVER do since young around kindergarten:
  1.  smoke -( so far no, and never planning to) to me i hate the smell
  2. Dye my hair- ( there's no need for tt so far :> though i get mistaken at 
  3. Wear contact lens- ( i was afraid and disgusted to see ppl put it in, but i did it in the end anyway.) couldn't imagine o.o 
cant think of anythin at this time now, but i'm very sure i got a lot to share.
post again soon!=)

god bless all! ( rmb to leave me a greeting and click on the nuffnang ad:> ) thank u kind soul.

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